Yoga class – 22 August – 19 o’clock @Stadspark

Dear Yogis & Yoginis,

The summer weather is back ☀️ and I would love to share a yoga class in the Stadspark tomorrow, Tuesday 22-08 from 19-20:15 o’clock.

It will be a easy class where we practice pranayama, the moon sequence and some asanas focussing on alignment and finishing with some restorative asanas guided with some live handpan music 🎶

We will be at our usual spot in the Stadpark. Later after class we will visit Noorderzon @noorderplantsoen. Feel free to join us!

This class will be donation based. Please bring a yoga mat/towel and try to come 10 minutes early to set up your mat.

Hope to see many of you tomorrow.

Namaste 🙏🏻

Location in the Stadspark:

Yoga Class Tuesday 15th August, 19:00 @ Nieuwe Sint Janstraat 35

Dear friends,

Tomorrow we will have our Tuesday class at the same location as last week, Nieuwe Sint Janstraat 35, starting at 19.00 until 20:15. Please arrive a few minutes early to get settled before we start.

This class will be donation based.

We will practice a classic hatha full body sequence building towards Virabhadrasana III, or Warrior 3 pose. As always, our focus will be on connecting with the inner body through our breath. All you need is your mat and some water to drink.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


Yoga class – 8th August – 19:00 o’clock

Dear yogis & yoginis

Tuesday 8th of August I will teach a yoga class from 19:00-20:15/20:30 o’clock. Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35.

This class will be DONATION based (cash only)

We are going to do pranayama and a dynamic sequence focused on hip mobility.

Bring a yoga mat and wear comfortable clothes to move in.

Hope to see many of you on Tuesday!

Namaste 🙏🏻