Yoga class MONDAY 6th Nov, 19:00 @ Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Happy Sunday friends! ** change of schedule!** This coming week our class will be on MONDAY (tomorrow!), 19:00 at Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35 (the space is occupied on Tuesday for this week, hence the change of day). This class will be a very mellow, slow paced practice with longer holds and is aimed at releasing tension from the body to find deep relaxation. In this spirit, I invite you to wear your comfiest, coziest yoga clothes, warm socks, a blanket, pillows, or anything else that will make you feel comfortable. I will bring some nice soft music, and we can stay for a cup of tea together afterwards if you like. Looking forward to chilling with you! Saoirse

Yoga class Tuesday 24 October, 19:00 @ Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Good afternoon friends,

Tomorrow (tues 24th oct), I will guide us through a nice chill yoga sequence at Nieuwe Sint Janstraat 35, 19:00-20:15. We will build towards camatkarasana (wild thing pose), which means opening up our chest and hips, and strengthening our back and glutes. We will finish out the class with some gentle restorative poses to unwind. The class will be donation based. All you need is your yoga mat, but feel welcome to bring a blanket to make yourself cosy during the relaxation part of the class. Please arrive a few minutes early to get settled. Hope to see you there, Saoirse


Yoga class Tuesday 26 September, 19:00 @ Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Happy Monday yoga friends!

This week our class (tomorrow) will take place at 19:00 at Nieuwe Sint Janstraat 35, and will be donation-based. Please arrive a couple of minutes early to get settled if you can! This week’s class will focus on the issues of lower back pain and stress. Often doing things that help with one, also help with the other! We will first work on techniques to release hamstring tension and build glute strength, and then later in the class we will relax into some gentle poses for stress relief. All you need is your yoga mat!

Hope to see you there,


Yoga class Tues 5th September @ Nieuwekerk. 19:00

Dear Yogis,

Tomorrow we will take advantage of the nice weather and hold our class outdoors on the grass at Niewekerk, just outside the city center to the north. We will focus on strengthening and opening our hips, with plenty of nice relaxing poses to finish off. For this class you only need your mat and some water to drink, and the class will be donation based.

Hope to see many of you there!


Yoga Class Tuesday 15th August, 19:00 @ Nieuwe Sint Janstraat 35

Dear friends,

Tomorrow we will have our Tuesday class at the same location as last week, Nieuwe Sint Janstraat 35, starting at 19.00 until 20:15. Please arrive a few minutes early to get settled before we start.

This class will be donation based.

We will practice a classic hatha full body sequence building towards Virabhadrasana III, or Warrior 3 pose. As always, our focus will be on connecting with the inner body through our breath. All you need is your mat and some water to drink.

Looking forward to seeing you there!
