Yoga class – 29 August – 19 o’clock @Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Dear Yogis & Yoginis

Tuesday 29-08 from 19:00-20:15 o’clock I would like to share a yoga class. Location Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35.

It will be a easy class starting with Pranayama. Continuing with some dynamic asanas building up to holding the posture for longer. Finishing with a meditation and a Savasana guided by some improvising tunes on my handpan. 

What you will need for this class is a yoga mat, a yoga block, a small blanket (or a sweater to use as a pillow), comfortable clothes. If you don’t have a yoga mat or block please let me know and I might be able to bring some extra.

This class will be donation based. I invite you to come 10 minutes early to set up your mat. Hope to see many of you on Tuesday! 

Namaste 🙏🏻 

P.S. Tonight is the last night of Noorderzon. There will be two free concerts at 18 and 20:30 o’clock at the Apollo stage. Some of us will probably go and check it out. Feel free to join us! 

Yoga class – 22 August – 19 o’clock @Stadspark

Dear Yogis & Yoginis,

The summer weather is back ☀️ and I would love to share a yoga class in the Stadspark tomorrow, Tuesday 22-08 from 19-20:15 o’clock.

It will be a easy class where we practice pranayama, the moon sequence and some asanas focussing on alignment and finishing with some restorative asanas guided with some live handpan music 🎶

We will be at our usual spot in the Stadpark. Later after class we will visit Noorderzon @noorderplantsoen. Feel free to join us!

This class will be donation based. Please bring a yoga mat/towel and try to come 10 minutes early to set up your mat.

Hope to see many of you tomorrow.

Namaste 🙏🏻

Location in the Stadspark:

Yoga class – 8th August – 19:00 o’clock

Dear yogis & yoginis

Tuesday 8th of August I will teach a yoga class from 19:00-20:15/20:30 o’clock. Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35.

This class will be DONATION based (cash only)

We are going to do pranayama and a dynamic sequence focused on hip mobility.

Bring a yoga mat and wear comfortable clothes to move in.

Hope to see many of you on Tuesday!

Namaste 🙏🏻