Yoga Class Tuesday 23 January, 19 o’clock @Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Dear yogis & yoginis,

I would love to share a yoga class with you. This time it’s on Tuesday 23 January starting at 19:00 o’clock.

We will start with a pranayama including breath retention. To continue with asanas focussing on hip and shoulder flexibility. Working towards different arm balancing poses. Finishing with a metta meditation and a savasana guided by a live handpan tune.

After class there is the option to stay for a cup of tea and some chitchatting.

For this class you will need comfortable clothes that allow you to move freely, a yoga mat, 1 yoga block, a blanket to keep you warm during savasana.

This class will be donation based. I invite you to come 10 min early to set up your space.
I hope to see many of you tomorrow! 

Namaste 🙏🏻 

Yoga Class Tuesday 2 January, 19 o’clock @Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Dear yogi’s & yogini’s

I wish everybody a happy and healthy new year! I hope the transition into the new year went smooth for everybody.

I would love to share a yoga class Tuesday 2 January – 19:00-20:15 o’clock @nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35.

We will do some pranayama, asanas in vinyasa style. Please bring a yoga mat, a yoga block and a yoga belt.

I invite you to come 10 minutes early to set up your mat. After class there is the option to stay for a cup of tea and socialize with the other participants.

This class will be donation based. We set up a donation scale now to give you a idea of how you can support our community in the best way. And support us to keep teaching yoga in this nice location.

Hope to see many of you tomorrow!

Namaste 🙏🏻 


Yoga Class Tuesday 19 December, 19 o’clock @Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Dear yogis & yoginis,

Tuesday December 19th is already our last class of the year. We will have a bit of a longer class from 19-20:30 o’clock. The class will be at the Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35.

We will start with a bit of explanation about how to use our bandha’s and Ujjayi breath. To continue with pranayama, asanas building up to Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (bridge pose) and Sarvangasana (shoulderstand). Ending with some live handpan tunes.

After class there is the option to stay for a tea and a brownie and to connect with others.

For this class you will need a yoga mat, comfortable clothes to move in, a yoga block, a blanket.

This class will be donation based. Please come 10 minutes early to set up your space. Hope to see many of you on Tuesday!

Namaste 🙏🏻

Yoga Class Tuesday 14 November, 19 o’clock @Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Dear Yogis & Yoginis,

Early announcement, I would love to share a yoga class on Tuesday 14 November from 19-20:15 o’clock at Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35.

This class will be Iyengar yoga style where we will focus on our alignment in the asanas besides that we will also do some pranayama.

For this class you will need comfy clothes, a yoga mat, 1 yoga block, 1 yoga belt (or any belt), a blanket just to keep you warm for the restorative part in the end of the class. 

After class there is the option to join us for a tea. So get your props together and I hope to see many of you on Tuesday!

In case you don’t have blocks, we have some spare ones at the shala. This is a donation based class.

Namaste 🙏🏻 


Yoga class – 10 October – 19:00 o’clock @Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Dear Yogis & Yoginis,

Tuesday 10-10 from 19:00-20:15 o’clock I would like to share a yoga class. Location Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35.

It will be a Iyengar yoga class where we focus on alignment. For Iyengar yoga you need loads of props to get the right alignment. We will finish with a healing meditation. 

What you will need for this class is a yoga mat, 2 yoga blocks (cheap cork ones for sale at decathlon), a yoga belt, a blanket, comfortable clothes. In case you don’t manage to have some props please let me know and I might be able to bring some extra.

This class will be donation based. I invite you to come 10 minutes early to set up your mat. Hope to see many of you on Tuesday! 

Namaste 🙏🏻 