Yoga Class Tuesday 25 June, 19:00 – 20:15 @Stadspark

Dear Yogis & Yoginis!

This Tuesday, 25th of June, I would love to share a Hatha Yoga class with you!
The class takes place from 19:00 – 20:15 at the Stadspark. At our usual place the field of stadspark parkrun on Google maps.

In this class we will start with some explanation about the third Bandha, which is called Jalandhara Bandha or chin lock.
After that I will guide you through a long pranayama session where we will use all three bandhas together; Maha Bandha or the great lock. Besides that we will use our Ujjayi breath or sound breath during the Pranayama session.

After that I will guide you through a dynamic sequence where we focus on alignment and breathing to continue with holding some postures for longer. Finishing slowing down and during Savasana some live handpan tunes. This class is suitable for all levels and it’s always possible to adjust postures.

For this class you need a yoga mat and comfortable clothes to move in. Please bring, if you have a strap and a block to sit on (or a blanket since we sit for a while during Pranayama). I will bring some extra straps to the park for who doesn’t have their own.

Also water bottle, sunscreen and mosquito repellent can come in handy. Or long sleeve pants and shirt might do.

I invite you to arrive 10 minutes early to set up your space. After class there is the option to hang around in the park for some chitchatting.

This class is donation based and we came up with a donation scale but we welcome and stimulate everybody to join the yoga! So if donation is not an option for you in this moment just let us know but please join the class 🙏🏻
Feel free to bring a friend, or two to class to share the yoga knowledge and community spirit!

I hope to see many of you on Tuesday!

Namaste 🙏🏻

Hatha Yoga Class Tuesday 4 June, 19:00 – 20:15 @Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Dear Yogis & Yoginis!

This Tuesday, 4th of June, I would love to share a Hatha Yoga class with you!

The class takes place from 19:00 – 20:15 at de Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35. 

In this class we will start with some explanation about some techniques that are very important in yoga and we use them all the time. They called Uddiyana Bandha and Mula Bandha. Besides that we bring some awareness to the Ujjayi breath during a Pranayama session.

After that I will guide you through a dynamic vinyasa where we focus on balancing, twisting and breathing to continue into some balancing posture. This class is suitable for all levels and it’s always possible to adjust postures. 

For this class you need a yoga mat and comfortable clothes to move in.

I invite you to arrive 10 minutes early to set up your space. After class there is the option to hang around for some tea.

I hope to see many of you on Tuesday!

Namaste 🙏🏻 


Yoga Class Sunday June 2nd, 11:00 – 12:15 @Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Dear Yogis & Yoginis!

This Sunday, 2nd of June, I would love to share a Iyengar Yoga class with you from 11:00 – 12:15. At our usual location de Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35.
(In case the weather turns out amazing we change to Hatha Yoga in the stadspark, keep your eyes open for announcements)

In Iyengar Yoga we hold the asanas for a longer period of time. Staying active in the body and focussing on alignment. We will focus on chest opening and hip mobility.

We will use a lot of props, so if you have bring a yoga mat, 2 yoga blocks and a belt. If you don’t have then we have some spare to share!

During savasana I’ll play some live handpan tunes to relax the body and the mind.

After class there is the option to hang around for tea and socializing. This class will be donation-based and we came up with a donation scale.

I hope to see many of you on Sunday!

Namaste 🙏🏻

Yoga Class Sunday 26 May, 10:30 – 11:45 @Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Dear Yogis & Yoginis!

This Sunday, 26th of May, I would love to share a Hatha Yoga class with you!
The starting time is a bit earlier so 10:30 – 11:45 at Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35. In case the weather turns out amazing I will change to the park, so look out for updates!

In this class I will guide you through a dynamic vinyasa sequence where we focus on balancing, twisting and breathing to continue into some arm balancing chalange. This class is suitable for all levels and it’s always possible to adjust postures.

For this class you need a yoga mat and comfortable clothes to move in.

I invite you to arrive 10 minutes early to set up your space. This time there won’t be tea after class unfortunately. This class will be donation based.

I hope to see many of you on Sunday!

Namaste 🙏🏻

Yoga Class Tuesday 14 May, 19 o’clock @Stadspark

Dear yogis & yoginis!

So tomorrow Tuesday , March 14, I would love to share a Hatha yoga class with you from 19:00 – 20:15 in the beautiful open air surrounded by nature.

In this class we will start with a short breathing exercise to continue several asanas where the focus is on alignment. The class is suitable for all levels.

For this class you will need a yoga mat and comfortable clothes to move in.

I invite you to come 10 minutes early to set up your mat and arrive. This class will be donation based and we came up with a donation scale. 

After class we can hang around for (bring your own tea/water bottle) and socializing.

I hope to see many of you tomorrow in the park!

Namaste 🙏🏻 

Christa 🧘🏼