Yoga Class Tuesday September 3rd, 19:00 – 20:15 @Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Dear yoga friends!

We have a special announcement for tomorrow’s class. We, Saoirse & Christa would love to share a Hatha yoga class with you! Happening Tuesday 3rd of September from 19:00 – 20:15 @ de Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35.

Saoirse will start with guiding you through the calming Dirga Pranayama to continue with a soft warming up and preparations for back bending. To move into the traditional Hatha Surya Namaskar. Then Christa will guide you through a dynamic vinyasa where we prepare and focus on activating the legs and opening the chest. With these preparations you will be ready to challenge yourself in Ustrasana – Camel pose. And end with a calming sequence into Savasana guided by some live handpan tunes.

For this class most important is your yoga mat and comfortable clothes. Then we will use two blocks. If you have your own, please bring them and otherwise we have some extra to share.

After class there is the option to hang around for a cup of tea. We invite you to arrive 10 minutes early to set up your space and props.

This class is suitable for all regardless of yoga experience, we welcome beginners and dedicated practitioners alike. The class is donation based, via cash or tikkie, and your donation supports the growth of our community. However, we encourage your participation even if donation is not possible for you right now. And please invite anybody that could benefit from a yoga practice to join this class.

We hope to see many of you on Tuesday!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ»
Saoirse & Christa πŸ§˜πŸΌπŸ§˜πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

Yoga Class Sunday August 25th, 11:00 – 12:15 @Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Dear yoga friends!

I would love to share another Yin & Restorative yoga class with you! Happening this Sunday 25th of August from 11:00 – 12:15 @ de Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35.

We will start with a calming Pranayama to continue with some deep stretches for our hips, chest and upper spine to release tension in our connective tissues, fascia. Before we move into more supported and restorative yoga poses. 

Yin refers to the feminine energy within us, and it balances ‘Yang’, the masculine energy in all of us. Yin Yoga is a slow paced yoga style with asanas that are held for a more extended period between 2-7 minutes as compared to other styles. It helps the practitioner move from the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic nervous system. This means that you move away from your fight or flight response towards relaxation. And in restorative yoga we use all the props to make a posture as comfortable and supported as possible. 

For this class we will use a lot of props. Most important is your yoga mat and comfortable clothes. Then we will also use two blocks, a belt and a blanket. If you have your own, please bring them and otherwise we have some extra to share. 

After class there is the option to hang around for a cup of tea. I invite you to arrive even 15 minutes early to set up your space and props. 

This class is suitable for all regardless of yoga experience, we welcome beginners and dedicated practitioners alike. The class is donation based, via cash or tikkie, and your donation supports the growth of our community. However, we encourage your participation even if donation is not possible for you right now. And please invite anybody that could benefit from a yoga practice to join this class.

I hope to see many of you on Sunday!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ» 

Christa 🧘🏼

Yoga Class Sunday August 18th, 11:00 – 12:15 @Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Dear yoga friends!

We are heading towards a full moon: Monday 19th August. A full moon represents the feminine energy of serenity, reflection, and intuition, symbolising the water element. It affects all tidal waters and as we contain approximately 70% of water within each of us it has an ancient and instinctive effect on many of our emotions.  Because of that I would love to share a Yin & Restorative yoga class. Happening this Sunday 18th of August from 11:00 – 12:15 @ de Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35.

We will start with a calming Pranayama to continue with some deep stretches for our spine and hamstrings to release tension in our connective tissues, fascia. Before we move into more supported and restorative yoga poses. 

Yin refers to the feminine energy within us, and it balances ‘Yang’, the masculine energy in all of us. Yin Yoga is a slow paced yoga style with asanas that are held for a more extended period between 2-7 minutes as compared to other styles. It helps the practitioner move from the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic nervous system. This means that you move away from your fight or flight response towards relaxation.

For this class we will use a lot of props. Most important is your yoga mat and comfortable clothes. Then we will also use two blocks, a belt and a blanket. If you have your own, please bring them and otherwise we have some extra to share. 

After class there is the option to hang around for a cup of tea. I invite you to arrive even 15 minutes early to set up your space and props. 

This class is suitable for all regardless of yoga experience, we welcome beginners and dedicated practitioners alike. The class is donation based, via cash or tikkie, and your donation supports the growth of our community. However, we encourage your participation even if donation is not possible for you right now. And please invite anybody that could benefit from a yoga practice to join this class.

I hope to see many of you on Sunday!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ» 

Christa 🧘🏼

Yoga Class Sunday August 4th, 11:00 – 12:15 @Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Dear yoga friends!

Your wish is my command and I will share a special mix of two very different forms of Yoga. Namely Ashtanga & Yin yoga! Happening this Sunday 4th of August from 11:00 – 12:15 @ de Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35.

We will start with the opening chant of Ashtanga yoga to continue to go through the warming up, an active sequence of the Ashtanga Surya Namaskar A + B and some of the standing/balancing postures. To continue with a pranayama Sama Vritti before we move into a Yin yoga practice.

Yin refers to the feminine energy within us, and it balances ‘Yang’, the masculine energy in all of us. Yin Yoga is a slow paced yoga style with asanas that are held for a more extended period between 2-7 minutes as compared to other styles. It helps the practitioner move from the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic nervous system. This means that you move away from your fight or flight response towards relaxation.

For this class we will use a lot of props. Most important is your yoga mat and comfortable clothes. Then we will also use two blocks, a belt and a blanket. If you have your own, please bring them and otherwise we have some extra to share.

After class there is the option to hang around for a cup of tea. I invite you to arrive even 15 minutes early to set up your space and props.

This class is suitable for all regardless of yoga experience, we welcome beginners and dedicated practitioners alike. The class is donation based, via cash or tikkie, and your donation supports the growth of our community. However, we encourage your participation even if donation is not possible for you right now. And please invite anybody that could benefit from a yoga practice to join this class.

I hope to see many of you on Sunday!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ»
Christa 🧘🏼

Yoga Class Tuesday July 30th, 19:00 – 20:15 @Stadspark


It seems that tomorrows weather looks amazing! I would love to move this Hatha yoga class to the park to enjoy the weather.

I hope to meet you all @stadspark
On the field of β€œparkrun”


Dear yoga friends!

I would love to share and practise some Hatha yoga with you! Happening this Tuesday 30th of July from 19:00 – 20:15 @ de Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35.

In this class I will guide you through a sequence where we flow from one asana into the next one on the rhythm of our breath. Ones the body is warm we will build up to some balancing postures. We will finish the class with a Pranayama to relax after in Savasana guided by some live handpan tunes.

For this class you will need a yoga mat and comfortable clothes. I Invite you to arrive 10 minutes early to set up your space. After class there is always the open invite to stay for tea and connect with your fellow yoga practitioners 🧘🏼 πŸ«– πŸ§˜πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ 

This class is suitable for all regardless of yoga experience, we welcome beginners and dedicated practitioners alike. The class is donation based, via cash or tikkie, and your donation supports the growth of our community. But also to retain the yoga space that we have now at the Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat. However, we encourage your participation even if donation is not possible for you right now. And please invite anybody that could benefit from a yoga practise to join this class.

I hope to see many of you on Tuesday!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ» 

Christa 🧘🏼