Yoga class Tuesday 3 October, 19:00 @ Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Dear yoguis 🌞

We will have a yoga class on Tuesday 3 October, 19:00 at Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35. In this class we will focus on opening our hips and stretching our hamstrings. Towards the end of the session, we will try to perform malasana, a nice hip opening posture.

Hope to see many of you on Tuesday!

Namaste 🙏


Yoga class Tuesday 19 September, 19:00 @ Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Dear yoguis 🌞

We will have a yoga class on Tuesday 19 September, 19:00 at Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35. We will explore a series of balancing asanas to enhance our strength, stability, and focus. Towards the end of the session, we will try to perform Bakasana (crane pose).

Hope to see many of you on Tuesday!

Namaste 🙏


Yoga class Tuesday 12 September, 19:00 @ Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35

Dear yoguis 🌞

We will have a yoga class on Tuesday 12 September, 19:00 at Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat 35. I will guide us through a slow sequence for strengthening our glutes, activating our abdominals and spine muscles, and loosening our hamstrings!

Hope to see many of you on Tuesday!

Namaste 🙏


Yoga in the park makes headlines in the University newspaper!

The university newspaper is featuring a video interview about the yoga classes I give in the park. I feel immensely grateful and proud to be able to offer these yoga sessions to the community. Yoga is not just about physical exercise; it’s a journey of self-discovery, inner peace, and overall well-being 🙏

Yoga class Wednesday 21 June, 19:00 @ Nieuwe Kerk

Dear yoguis 🌞

In light of the upcoming weather conditions, I think it is better to reschedule today’s yoga class to ensure your comfort and safety. Therefore, we have moved the class to tomorrow (Wednesday) to allow for a more enjoyable experience.

We will meet on Wednesday 21 June at 19:00 in Nieuwe Kerk park. Don’t forget to bring your yoga mat or a comfortable rug if you prefer not to practice directly on the grass. During the session, I will guide us through a dynamic sequence designed to strengthen our glutes, activate our abdominals and spine muscles, and loosen our hamstrings.

Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

Namaste 🙏


PS: After the class, we will head to Minaar for some drinks 😉 <3